The Most Common Types of Roof Hail Damage

Here in Ft. Collins, Colorado, severe hailstorms are far from a rare occurrence. In fact, Colorado receives more major hailstorms than most of the United States. So, as a Colorado homeowner, the risk of roof hail damage is high. 

Roof hail damage comes in several forms. From mild to severe, hail damage to your roof requires immediate attention so that your home stays protected. Let’s discuss the most common types of roof hail damage so that you’re prepared throughout Colorado’s lengthy hail season. 

The Main Types of Roof Hail Damage

A hailstorm can damage roofing in many ways. The most common types of roof hail damage are damaged shingles, dents, and leaks.

Damaged or Missing Shingles

For shingle and tile roofing, hailstorms can cause significant damage. Dented, damaged, and even missing shingles are common after a major storm. This type of roof hail damage can be easy to spot, given that you may notice broken shingles in your yard. 

If only a few shingles or tiles are missing, you generally won’t need extensive repairs. The individual shingles, whether damaged or missing, can be replaced.  

Dented Roofing Materials

Hailstones most commonly create dents in roofing materials. Especially here in Colorado, hailstones can reach the size of golf balls, or even grapefruits in record-setting storms. When those hailstones plummet to the Earth, they’re backed by a great deal of force. When a hailstone hits your roof, it can create a major dent. 

As a Ft. Collins homeowner, dented roofing materials typically require replacement. If you leave a dented roof alone, it can lead to more extensive damage down the road. Punctures, leakage, and water damage to your home can result when a dented roof is exacerbated. 


In severe cases, a hailstorm could create a leak in your roof. This typically occurs when a hailstone is heavy enough to fracture your roof’s surface. While leaks are one of the worst types of roof hail damage, they’re also one of the most difficult to identify. So, after a serious hailstorm, it’s wise to have your local roof hail experts inspect your roof for damage. If there is a leak, a professional will be able to spot it and start the repair process. Leaving a leak unrepaired can lead to damage throughout your home, making it important to address a leak as soon as possible. 

What To Do After Noticing Roof Hail Damage

If you notice signs of roof hail damage, take the following steps to resolve the problem:

Inspect More Thoroughly. 

After a sizable hailstorm, it’s wise to take a closer look to identify roof hail damage. This will give you a sense of the repairs that you may need, as well as provide information that you may pass on to your insurance agent. Keep in mind that you can always leave this step to the professionals by scheduling a roof inspection.

To check for hail damage, start by looking around your yard for signs of damaged shingles or tiles. Then, move on the gutters. Hail often causes dented gutters, and signs of damage to your gutter system is a good indicator that you also have roof hail damage. The same goes for window casings and window sills. Look closely, as even minor dents or dings to these areas of your home are a sign that more serious hail damage has occurred on your roof. 

Contact Your Insurance Company. 

After confirming the fact that you have roof hail damage, contact your homeowner’s insurance company. It’s wise to begin the process of submitting a hail damage claim as soon as possible. The quicker that your claim gets approved, the quicker that you can receive compensation for the repair costs. 

That said, roof repair experts in Ft. Collins can work with your insurance company on your behalf. Roofing professionals have experience with insurance companies and know how to quickly get a claim approved. Plus, when your roofing company takes care of your hail damage claim, you can avoid the hassle of submitting a claim yourself. 

Reach Out To Roof Repair Experts.

The most important step in dealing with your roof hail damage is contacting a Ft. Collins roofing company. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible after the hail damage occurred. The quicker that you can have the repairs completed, the lower the risk of further damage to your roof. 


Signs of Roof Hail Damage